Dr Fatemeh Mobaraki

Guide to an Early Orthodontic Treatment

Timing is everything – eJven when it comes to your child’s orthodontic treatment. “Early” treatment, also called “interceptive” treatment, means treatment that is performed while some baby teeth are still present.

This is the best time for children to begin once they have been diagnosed with the following:

  • Crooked teeth
  • Overlapping teeth
  • Gaps between teeth
  • Protruding top teeth
  • Protruding bottom teeth
  • The jaw moves off-center when chewing

Benefits of early Orthodontic Treatment:

  • The growth of the jaw is better guided
  • The width of the upper and lower dental arches (the arch-shaped jawbone that supports the teeth) can be regulated
  • Lower risk of injury to the front teeth
  • Undesirable oral habits such as thumb- or finger-sucking can be prevented
  • Abnormal swallowing or speech problems can be reduced or eliminated
  • Later corrective orthodontic treatments can be prevented


orthodontist could prescribe a fixed or removable “appliance” – a device used to move teeth, change the position of the jaw, or hold teeth in place in order to bring about desirable changes. Sometimes no appliances are necessary. Rather, removal of some baby teeth may help the permanent teeth erupt better. The extractions will be timed to take best advantage of a patient’s growth and development.

Habit Breaker

The habit Breaking appliances therapy involves breaking the destructive habits of dental issues in children like thumb sucking and fingers sucking.


What problems result from thumb sucking?
  1. Protruding upper anterior teeth (the upper front teeth are pushed outwards).
  2. Lower anterior teeth that lean in (the lower front teeth are pushed inwards).
  3. A condition called ‘open-bite’ which prevents the upper and lower front teeth from meeting even when the mouth is closed.
  4. Speech problems
  5. The tongue doesn’t sit well in the mouth, constricting the upper jaw and leading to a lateral cross-bite (teeth are shifted left or right)

Thumb sucking habit

Thumb sucking, or sucking on any fingers, is a common habit for young children.
If diagnosed in time, the tooth misalignment caused by thumb sucking can be treated with less invasive treatments.
Usually the habit stops within days, but the appliance remains in the mouth for approximately six months in order to make sure the practice has completely vanished.

dr fatemeh mobaraki

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